Corporate Responsibility
The Asahi Way
Totally Committed to Protecting the Natural Environment and Preserving Resources
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Corporate Social Responsibility
We are committed to operating in a safe, transparent and ethical manner through all levels of our organization.
Environmental Health and Safety
We are firmly committed to protecting the environment and the health and safety of our employees, customers and community.
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Responsible Sourcing
We are committed to maintaining a transparent and responsibly sourced supply chain.
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Environmental Health and Safety
We are firmly committed to managing our assay, refining and manufacturing activities so as to protect the environment and the health and safety of our employees, customers and the community. We will strictly follow the relevant environmental laws and regulations and other requirements which we recognize. We are committed to continually improve practices to minimize environmental impacts and prevent pollution.
Asahi Refining USA ISO 14001: 2015
our commitment to sustainable practices and charts our progress towards embedding these practices across every aspect of our business.
Responsible Sourcing
As a leader in the precious metals industry, Asahi Refining recognizes the unique opportunity that we must play in the development, implementation and continuous improvement of systems designed to detect and prevent commercial activities that contribute to the financing of armed groups, human rights abuses, money laundering, terrorist financing and other illegal activities. Asahi Refining works with our suppliers of all precious metals to ensure they are aware of our Precious Metals Procurement Policy and that the materials they deliver to Asahi Refining do not contribute to such illegal activities. Asahi Refining has assigned organizational responsibilities and outlined requirements for due diligence, transaction monitoring, training, records and reporting, as detailed in our Precious Metals Procurement Procedures.
Procurement Policy
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
Whistle Blowing Policy
Modern Slavery Statement
Responsible Gold Guidance Certificate - Asahi Refining USA
Responsible Silver Guidance Certificate - Asahi Refining USA
LBMA Responsible Gold and Silver Audit Report - Asahi Refining USA
LBMA Independent Reasonable Assurance Report - Asahi Refining USA
Responsible Gold Guidance Certificate - Asahi Refining Canada
Responsible Silver Guidance Certificate - Asahi Refining Canada
LBMA Responsible Gold and Silver Audit Report - Asahi Refining Canada
LBMA Independent Reasonable Assurance Report - Asahi Refining Canada
Responsible Jewellery Council Code of Practices - Asahi Refining Canada
Responsible Jewellery Council Chain of Custody - Asahi Refining Canada

1 oz Bar
Au - 9999 Pure Gold

1 oz Lunar Dragon Bar

1 oz Diwali Bar

Ag - 999 Pure Silver

1 oz Round

1 oz Buffalo Round

1 oz Reverse Buffalo Round

1 oz Freedom Liberty Round

1 oz Lunar Dragon Round

1 oz Merry Christmas 2023 Round

10 oz Bar

Au - 9999 Pure Gold, 9950 Pure Gold

1 kg Bar
Au - 9999 Pure Gold, 9950 Pure Gold; Ag - 999 Pure Silver

100 oz Bar
Au - 9999 Pure Gold, 9950 Pure Gold, Ag - 999 Pure Silver

400 oz bar

1000 oz Bar
Ag - 9999 Pure Silver

Fine Grain
Asahi Refining has provided this form as a communication vehicle to any employee or external stakeholder to anonymously voice concerns or report issues regarding the precious metals supply chain of Asahi Refining. Please note that you have the option to remain anonymous by only completing the “details of Inquiry” section and selecting the “submit” button.Please be advised that Asahi Refining will respond if it is deemed necessary and if an appropriate contact method is available.